Derek Diño's profile

Derek Diño

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Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design

From US$20

As a graphic designer, I offer a comprehensive range of design services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses and individuals. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a passion for creativity, I specialize in crafting visually stunning and impactful designs that resonate with target audiences and elevate brands. My services include: 1. Branding and Identity Design: I help businesses establish a strong and memorable brand identity through logo design, brand guidelines, and visual assets that reflect their values and vision. 2. Print Design: From business cards and brochures to posters and banners, I create compelling print materials that effectively communicate key messages and leave a lasting impression. 3. Digital Design: I design engaging digital assets such as social media graphics, web banners, email newsletters, and digital ads to enhance online presence and drive engagement. 4. Packaging Design: I specialize in creating eye-catching packaging designs that not only protect products but also attract attention on store shelves and convey brand personality. 5. Illustration: Whether it's custom illustrations for branding purposes or editorial illustrations for publications, I bring ideas to life through captivating visuals that resonate with audiences. 6. UI/UX Design: I design intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces for websites, mobile apps, and software applications, prioritizing user experience and usability. 7. Photo Editing and Retouching: I provide professional photo editing and retouching services to enhance the visual appeal of images, ensuring they align with brand aesthetics and messaging. 8. Consultation and Collaboration: I work closely with clients to understand their goals, preferences, and target audience, offering expert advice and guidance throughout the design process to ensure satisfaction and success. With a focus on creativity, professionalism, and client satisfaction, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality design solutions that exceed expectations and help clients achieve their objectives. Let's collaborate to bring your vision to life and make a lasting impact through exceptional design.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions