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Ziya Aliyev's profile

Ziya Aliyev


Trendyol Group


Baku, Azerbaijan

Hire Ziya

Ad Scenarios

From US$1,187

TV Commercial Scenarios Create compelling TV commercial scenarios that capture your audience's attention, tell a captivating story, and effectively showcase your brand's unique selling points. Radio Ad Scenarios Develop engaging radio ad scenarios that leverage the power of sound, voice, and storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience, driving brand awareness and action. Print Ad Scenarios Design eye-catching print ad scenarios that combine striking visuals, impactful copy, and strategic layout to deliver a memorable and persuasive brand message. Online Video Ad Scenarios Craft captivating online video ad scenarios that resonate with your target audience, utilizing the unique features of digital platforms to maximize reach and engagement. Social Media Ad Scenarios Develop share-worthy social media ad scenarios that effectively leverage the unique characteristics of each platform to reach your audience, encourage engagement, and drive conversions. Out-of-Home (OOH) Ad Scenarios Create impactful OOH ad scenarios that take advantage of high-visibility locations and creative placements to capture the attention of passersby and leave a lasting impression. Ambient & Guerilla Marketing Scenarios Design innovative ambient and guerilla marketing scenarios that create buzz and virality by blending seamlessly into the environment or surprising your audience with unconventional tactics.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 1 revision


From US$250

Brand Slogan Creation Develop a powerful brand slogan that encapsulates your brand's essence, values, and mission, leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Product Tagline Development Create compelling product taglines that effectively communicate the benefits, features, and unique selling points of your offerings, driving customer interest and loyalty. Company Tagline & Mission Statement Establish a clear and concise company tagline or mission statement that communicates your purpose, vision, and expertise, setting you up for long-term success. Campaign Slogans Develop engaging and memorable campaign slogans that capture the essence of your marketing initiatives, driving awareness, interest, and action. Event & Promotion Taglines Create attention-grabbing event and promotion taglines that effectively convey the excitement, value, and unique aspects of your events, increasing attendance and engagement.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 2 revisions


From US$320

Brand Naming Create a strong brand identity with a memorable and unique name that reflects your brand's essence, values, and personality, while appealing to your target audience. Product Naming Capture the attention of potential customers with compelling product names that effectively communicate the features, benefits, and unique selling points of your offerings. Company Naming Establish a solid foundation for your business with a powerful company name that conveys your mission, vision, and expertise, setting you up for long-term success. Service Naming Stand out in a crowded market with engaging service names that clearly communicate the value, benefits, and unique features of your offerings to your target audience. Domain Name Consulting Secure the perfect online presence with expert domain name consulting, ensuring your brand's digital identity is aligned with your overall naming strategy and brand identity.

Within 1-2 weeks

5 concepts, 1 revision


From US$30

Website Copywriting Elevate your online presence with tailored, SEO-optimized website copy that speaks directly to your target audience, effectively communicating your brand's unique selling points. Blog Writing & Content Creation Stay ahead of the competition with regular blog posts and articles that position your brand as a thought leader, providing value to your audience and driving organic traffic to your site. Social Media Copywriting Capture your audience's attention and boost engagement with compelling social media content that tells your brand's story and connects with your followers on a deeper level. Email Marketing Nurture leads and improve customer retention with targeted email campaigns that deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, increasing open rates and driving conversions. Product Descriptions & Sales Copy Maximize your sales potential with persuasive product descriptions and sales copy that showcases the benefits and features of your offerings, making them irresistible to potential customers. Press Releases & Public Relations Generate buzz and media attention for your brand with professionally written press releases and public relations materials that communicate your news in a compelling and newsworthy manner. Proofreading & Editing Ensure your content is polished and error-free with meticulous proofreading and editing services that guarantee consistency, accuracy, and professionalism in every piece of writing.

Less than a week

3 concepts, 1 revision