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Pliss Studio's profile

Pliss Studio

Expertise in SEO, Social Media, and Branding

Pliss Studio

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Hire Pliss

Animated Logo
Animated Logo

From US$100

šŸŽØ Concept & Design: We start by understanding your brand identity and designing a logo that captures its essence. šŸ”„ Animate & Enhance: Transforming static designs into dynamic animated logos that engage and inspire. Bring Your Brand to Life with Animated Logos šŸ“Š Optimize & Deliver: Ensuring your animated logo is polished and optimized for use across all digital platforms. šŸš€ Launch & Captivate: Release your animated logo to mesmerize your audience and enhance your brand's visibility.

Within 1-2 weeks

1 concept, 3 revisions

Video Editing
Video Editing

From US$100

Up to 5 minutes - Elevate Your Content with Premier Video Editing āœ‚ļø Edit & Enhance: From cutting to color grading, we refine every detail to perfection. šŸ“Š Optimize & Deliver: We ensure your video is ready for all platforms, optimized for engagement and impact. šŸš€ Launch & Impress: Release your video to the world and watch your audience grow.

Less than a week

1 concept, 3 revisions

Campaign Creation
Campaign Creation

From US$700

Ignite Your Brand with Impactful Campaigns šŸŽÆ Strategy & Planning: We start with your goals, crafting a campaign that hits the mark. šŸ–¼ļø Design & Develop: Creating stunning visuals and compelling content that resonates. šŸ”„ Execute & Manage: Launching and managing your campaign across all desired channels. šŸ“ˆ Analyze & Enhance: Measuring success and optimizing for even greater results.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 5 revisions

Customized and Optimized Website

From US$460

Breathe life into your online presence with our specialized website creation services. We offer complete solutions, from planning and design to development and launch of your site. Our Process: šŸŽÆ Initial Consultation: We understand your needs and objectives to create a website that reflects your brand and attracts your target audience. šŸŽØ Design and Usability: We create attractive visual layouts and easy-to-navigate interfaces, ensuring a great user experience. šŸ’» Development: With clean and modern coding, we build your site with robust functionalities and SEO optimization. šŸš€ Testing and Launch: We rigorously test the site to ensure its perfect operation across various platforms before the official launch.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 3 revisions