The end of the war represented the awakening from a collective nightmare for Poland. Only fragments of memories remain of a nightmare, as in Warsaw only few shreds still bear witness of the trauma of destruction. Between the processes of destruction and re-construction, these precarious fragments play an uncanny role: as survivors for the former and as scraps of a fearsome memory for the latter. Today the city wishes to move on, endangering the permanence of the fragments of its past. The project on Waliców 14 represents both an act of removal and protection on an open wound of the city. Dialoging with the material of the former roofs, a monumental lead covering box is lowered over the ruin in order to frame and filter its perception. This act is intended with a polemic aim towards the context: while hiding most of the building from the caos of shapes of the contemporary city, which has grown meanwhile around it with no care for the scale of the former blocks, the gigantic cover puts it into relationship with its bigness. From the inside, the case talks about the silence in front of the unapproachable memory of a city which has been wiped out. The path moves in front, above and underneath the ruin, which is not subjected to any intervention. The white light of Warsaw is material for the project: penetrating from above, it makes the bare bricks reverberate on the side wall which becomes the scenery of the facing theatre.


Master thesis project by Cristiano Gerardi Politecnico di Milano - tutor: prof. Guido M. Morpurgo
