Welcome to my mock project for the creation of my own creative design agency.
I wanted the brands name to have a dynamic feel to it and work as way of promoting interest and a level of excitement about the brand before you've even learnt anything else about it.

I was trying to think of specific "Buzz" words I could use to convey this, until I realised the very word I was looking for had been right under my nose the entire time.
When it came to designing the logo for my "Buzz" company I wanted to continue emphasising and adding to the dynamic nature of what I was bringing to life.
The logo needed to be simple and bold.

As this is my own creative identity I wanted to have something worked into the logo that would personally connect it back to myself.  I started to design a bee's head around my first initial "D" in a bold geometric style.

Once I was happy with the outcome I needed only flip it to create the other side of my bee's head for the logo.  After having done so I decided to add a small mouth element to my Bee.  Without it I didn't feel the design was tied strongly enough to it's insect inspiration.
For the logo's name any typography I wanted to continue being dynamic and bold, I added a level of distortion to the word "Buzz" to give the impression that the logo was actually buzzing and to help it stand out as it's own design.
For the rest of this is project I played around with varying colour schemes and branding material to see more closely how Buzz Creative would look as a full fledged brand.
I hope you've enjoyed viewing this project! Feel free to like it or send me feedback about the designs and how you think the designs could be improved to better communicate the message I was trying to send.

Buzz Creative

Buzz Creative

A mock creative brand for myself
