Ubisoft cancels the controversial changes for the Asian market

Rainbow Six Siege CreditsAt the beginning of the month Ubisoft announced that it wanted to remove all explicit references to violence sex and gambling from Rainbow Six Siege in order to make it suitable for the Asian market.

The communication on the removal of the features was provided at the beginning of November and obviously had not been well taken by the community also triggering the classic review bombing by users who had massacred the game on Metacritic due to this new policy of Ubisoft . It seems that it was this particularly strong reaction from the community that pushed the publisher to review his position and cancel the censures implemented intended for the contents of the Year 3 Season 4.

"We have been following our community discussions over the last couple of weeks and have regularly talked about it with our internal teams and we want to make sure that for all our players especially those who are with us from the beginning remain as faithful as possible. to the original artistic vision " reads the official website. What do you think of this choice?

The aesthetic changes announced by Ubisoft for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege buy Rainbow Six Siege Credits which provided for the removal of blood sex and gambling references in view of the launch of the game on the Asian market have caused quite a stir but it seems that Ubisoft has decided to reverse this decision.

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