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RunBuddy Feature Redesign Challenge

About RunBuddy
RunBuddy is an iOS app that helps runners in cities find great routes for their next run. Runners can see routes that other users have ran near them, and choose one to run."
Changing of the rating system 
After users finish a run, they can rate their run. Other runners can see this rating and can use it to help them find a great route.
The current version of the screen uses a 5- star rating system. Many users have complained that this rating system is not really helpful for them to find a new route to run, because it isn’t specific enough."
RunBuddy Wants to get better
"In order to learn more about the criteria that runners use to rate, and choose a route to run, we asked a group of RunBuddy Users the following question:

“What factors do you consider when deciding where you’re going to run?"
Research & Analysis
On the basis of user's Interview, I came to the decision that 3 factors for which users are more concerned about and to make them part of the new Runbuddy  Rating System.

After synthesizing the responses, I found these to be the biggest themes that we would need to design for:" 

I took some time to look around for other designs that may be helpful in generating ideas for your RunBuddy design. I chose top 3 examples from many designs, those designs are shown  below with notes on how you may be able to leverage those design patterns to create a better rating system for RunBuddy. 

Analysis 1: User feedback on Shotang App 
Shotang rating is easy, it shows options for common feedback depending upon the given ratings also providing facility to write if the answer is different from options provided; leading to much detailed information about the experience. The detailed feedback can be very helpful for the RunBuddy  3 main concerns of the users i.e.  Safety, Difficulty, and Crowdedness of the route.
Analysis 2: Berry App rating 
You can see that the Berry has used a bar graph to represent average answer of different factors. Which very systematic way of representation of the ratings given by users.also two categories of users how many of them liked it and how many did not.
This Can help Runbuddy users to decide the route is appropriate for them or not depending on an average rating on each factor.
Analysis 3: Activity Rating Page
This rating system is rating each activity and at the last, its showing overall rating for all activities done on the scale of 10.
For RunBuddy it should be considering an average of 3 factors as the overall rating for the Route.
Crazy 8's Sketches
Crazy 8's are the quick 8 sketches in 8 minutes for adding 3 factors for routes in the RunBuddy app. Its a rough visualization of how the rating system can be designed to solve the problems and to get most out of user feedback which will help in improving in having a detailed idea of the route leading to ease in choosing the best route for you to run.
Few ideas that came out of my sketches 
-  Breaking down each factor into possible parameters.
-  For effective ratings, more the details; better it will be.
-  Using all the factors for calculating an average and display as an overall rating for the route.
-  It should be easy to rate.
- More input in less time.  
Towards final sketching
I decided to go with three features from my Crazy 8's to use in RunBuddy rating page. There are three section highlighted in the given image is good to use in my final sketch.
From Crazy 8's to Detailed sketch
Now going a step further and taking my ideas into a  more detailed sketch with high-level details for three main factor of Safety, Difficulty, and Crowd.
The main motto of redesigning of the rating/feedback page of RunBuddy was to make it more efficient and to get most out of user feedback.
I decided to go with this sketch as it is providing more detailed parameters for input as each factor is being divided into two parts and more specific feedback from users so it will give a very clear idea to the other users about the route.
Factors Breakdown -
   Safety -   i) Slider
                   ii)Multiple choice questions
Difficulty -i)Uphill 
The crowd -i)People
Overall rating is another feature that calculates the average on the scale of 1 to 10 which is based on user input for each factor and displays an overall rating given by that user at the end.

These are the sample of proposed solution of RunBudddy App. 
RunBuddy Feature Redesign Challenge

RunBuddy Feature Redesign Challenge
