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Midnight Huntress - Block Print

Midnight Huntress
Block Print and Process Videos
Midnight Huntress is the latest print in my Native Beauties series. You will not find the Huntress prowling under the moonlight, she will find you.

Here you will also find a series of process videos that document the printing process of this design from start to finish.

Midnight Huntress is hand printed on 8.5x11 authentic French Nightshift Blue cover stock, with hand mixed water based block inks.
The first step in the process is to transfer my illustration to the block using carbon paper. Next I ink the block with my pens, the inks will indicate the areas where I’ll be carving. This gives me the opportunity to think more about what the finial print will look like. I like to be more deliberate at this stage rather than just carving over the pencils.
This is the second step in the block printing process. The most tedious step, to carve that motha out. This is a very time consuming process in which, by the powers of iMove, I’ve been able to condense into about a 3-4 minute video. You’ll witness a three – four hour span of time in which I carve, massage the wrists and drink a few beers. In the past, its taken me much longer but I’m getting faster these days. 
This is the third step in the block printing process. This is the most rewarding step in the process. This is the big payoff, when you see the fruits of all your hard labor. Through the carving process, its a little difficult to see how its gonna turn out so I’m always anxious to get to this step. You’ll notice, I always get a little bit of help when it comes to pulling these prints.
Midnight Huntress - Block Print

Midnight Huntress - Block Print

Midnight Huntress is the latest print in my Native Beauties series. You will not find the Huntress prowling under the moonlight, she will find yo Read More
