Karan Bhatia's profile

Creative Crowdsourcing Contest Entries

Guy tells the tale of his relationship with smartphones and we learn that he tried other formats before settling on Windows Phone and we see he has a Trash Can that resembles the Android icon and he also eats a stale Apple, makes a face and chucks it into the bin, both obvious references to the other 2 big competitors of Windows Phone.
Userfarm Microsoft Windows Phone Project, Idea: Android Trash Can
November 26, 2012
Karan Bhatia
Concept Notes:
Guy tells the tale of his relationship with smartphones and we learn that he tried other formats before settling on Windows Phone and we see he has a Trash Can that resembles the Android icon and he also eats a stale Apple, makes a face and chucks it into the bin, both obvious references to the other 2 big competitors of Windows Phone.

:20 Video Script 1
Techy looking guy in urban apartment with substantial electronics, sitting on the couch playing Xbox console, he starts talking and motions to his trashcan whose shape resembles the Android Droid
“When the smartphone revolution came, I thought I was being smart in using that guy…but soon, I learnt that in the world of apps…all that glitters is not easy to use”
He angrily makes a paper ball and chucks it into the can
“Anyway, after the broken promises I went over to the safe side of the fence and picked the big guy”
He now picks up an apple and sinisterly turns it in his hand before angrily biting it in revenge
“But you know what, big guy just ate up a lot of money, and that’s why I’m going to eat you (pointing to apple) now”
Apple turns out to be stale, he chucks it into the Android Can whose lid rotates and makes a funny crash sound, but before that the camera captures the apple turned in the style of Apple Logo with 1 bite on the right side
“@#&*$ arrrrghhh, stupid fruit”
Now he lifts up his Windows Phone and types on it and as he types he is able to communicate with his Xbox messenger too.
“Finally I became smart and picked up a phone that’s truly smart, that’s right – The Windows Phone, because…it just works!!!!!”

The new Windows Phone and the Windows PC are an inseparable, deeply in love, cozy couple, taking in the sights and sounds of London, always together…attached whether with a cable, through Wifi or just leaning against each other.

Userfarm Microsoft Windows Phone Project, Idea: Lovers
November 26, 2012
Karan Bhatia
Concept Notes:
The new Windows Phone and the Windows PC are an inseparable, deeply in love, cozy couple, taking in the sights and sounds of London, always together…attached whether with a cable, through Wifi or just leaning against each other.
:30 Video
The Windows Phone is lovingly leaning on a Windows Laptop PC on a meandering boat on the river Thames, they are a perfect couple

BPM 95:  A positive, touching piece with guitars, piano and a flowing rhythm. Gives the sense of a job well done and hope for the future. Warm and inspiring.
Genre(s): Ambient, Chill Out / Lounge, Corporate,Inspirational, Motivational, Rock, Soft Rock, Underscore

Sitting at a café near Big Ben, the Phone is “attached” to the PC via a cable, the phone is lying on the Laptop as if lying on the lap of its lover, both screens go on and off in sync

We now see them leaning together on the window of a cabin car of the London Eye giant merry-go-round, their wifi signals are beating as if fast beating heartbeats, in sync

They turn and get closer to each other at a hip London lounge/discotheque

Another leaning shot, close up, the laptop is on the bed with a sheet covering the keyboard, and the phone is leaning against the screen as if in a passionate embrace, laptop Optical Drive suddenly opens, it is clearly “turned on”, both screens go off together
VO: “The New Windows Phone, it loves your PC”
Campaign (Print + TVC + Various Ideas)
Project: Moy Park UK Launch, Idea: Couldn’t Resist
Date: November 30, 2012
Name: Karan Bhatia
Concept Notes: All ads print and TVC showcase dishes made with Moy Park Chicken but with many bites taken, the ad-producers couldn’t resist taking a bit or two before shooting the commercials
Various Ideas:
1) Chicken Bank (as opposed to Piggy Bank) a more healthier, tastier ‘investment’
2) Hire the famous Fishseller Viral guy of the “One Pound Fish” song and make him do his act for “One Pound Chicken” instead, or let him do his usual song but then cut to him eating a Moy Park Chicken leg, coz it just so good. On FB/YouTube/Twitter/GoogleHangout Social Media get people to do their version of “One Pound Fish” but for Chicken for a chance to win a fantastic prize.
3) Everyone likes Chicken but no one likes to see or hear about how they are slaughtered, so we do a series of TV ads where the narrator cum on screen presenter takes us and the children on screen through a fairy tail-ish narrative about how Chickens love to pop out their various parts happily and package it in a magical fantasy factory – Line “Because we just like to eat it”, we could show happy Chicken Skeletons walking around, or re-growing their body.
4) Do Irish people pronounce Chicken in a typical way that could be used for a character “The Irish Chicken Farmer” who is proud of his poultry quality
5) Print Headline “Presenting Chicken Kiev by Moy Park Chicken” but with an empty plate or a staged-food-shot with many bites taken already, then body reads “sorry, we couldn’t resist taking a bite or two before we shot this commercial”
6) We do a montage crowd-singing group-singing rendition of the classic Moy Park Jingle with many many customers’ shots. Then this commercial could be showcased on Social Media and invite web cam/self-shot footage from the customers for a chance to feature in the next version of the commercial.
7) Winner Winner Chicken Dinner? News reporter asking supermarket customers or something and declaring them winners
:30 TVC 1
Film opens on a cookery show environment, the host has a cooked Roasted Chicken in front of him on a plate.
Host: “Today we have won our live show with us, Mary who would be showing us how to cook this delicious Roast Chicken”
Mary begins by taking a Moy Park package out of the freezer
Mary: “First we would need about a kilo of tender whole chicken, I use Moy Park…”
The host interrupts her, then begins tearing through the, forgets he is hosting the show sits down and gets busy with the cooked chicken
Host: “Moy Park eh, yes let me try this, oh my, sorry couldn’t resist, your making more of this right? Well get on with it will ya, ummm”
The cook has a puzzled expression, the camera man comes over and explains to the host to no avail but the Host continues to eat through
Cameraman: “errrrr…Sir we’re live”
Host: “Yes yes I know, continue shooting, don’t disturb me, can’t you see I’m busy”
Campaign (Print + TVC + Various Ideas)
:30 TVC 2
Scene Video Audio
1 Film opens on a TVC shoot for Moy Park, the kid actor is sitting on a table with Chicken
Drumsticks, the directors and crew are busy in their roles
Director: “Sonny, so here’s what you do, you pick a piece and say “hmmm it’s the yummiest chicken out there, got it?”
2 The assistant comes out in front of the camera with a clapboard and directors shouts action,
but the kid doesn’t say the line just begins eating the chicken and then tries to say the line
through a full mouth
Clapboard Guy: Moy Park Chicken, take 1
Kid: “ummmm iffs duh fummmiest shuken”
Director: Cut!!! Sonny, you’re supposed to say the line first before biting”
3 Shot of an exasperated director, the clapboard now reads Take 25 in front of the camera but
the kid does the same thing every time
Clapboard Guy: Moy Park Chicken, take 25
Kid: “burpppp”
Director: Forget it, everyone take a break, bring on more chicken, give me that piece you little..”
4 Director and the crew also couldn’t resist it any longer and they take away the food in front of
the kid and eat it themselves
Director: Sorry sonny, I couldn’t resist either
:30 TVC 3
Scene Video Audio
1 Film opens on a Supermarket Aisle, a woman is looking through the Chicken section, she picks up a few Moy Park packages and then heads to the restaurant
2 She comes out licking her fingers after a while
3 She is now at the checkout counter where she produces one empty package while the
counter-salesman looks puzzled
Woman: “Sorry, couldn’t resist”
India revolution, changing country, the other side of the outsourcing crowdsourcing coin, the changing rapidly evolving developed non 3rd world climate of urban India,. the serenity in many of the rural too, despite the poverty India is a huge country prospering, and connect it to the process of prizes being a significant cog in this entire globalisation machinery. the global village.

Userfarm Microsoft Windows Phone Project, Idea: Tile People
November 22, 2012
Karan Bhatia
Concept Notes:
People meeting at a party. They are wearing tiles (coloured paper hanging around the neck by threads), each person is unique according to their tiles and it is a great conversation beginner for them looking at each other's tiles.

We can also do it stop motion style with lego characters instead of live shoot.

:20 Video
Stella (wearing tiles) stands at the door and rings the bell
(bell chime), VO: Life is new every day, new people, new places
Jared (also wearing windows tiles) opens the door, there is a big party on inside, lots of lights and noise
Jared: Hey Stella, I see your Messenger status is “At Jared’s Party”, lemme just update mine to say “Party Rocking Now”
Stella: Oh how nice of you
Stella enters the party and everyone waves and greets her in unison
All at party: Hiii Stella
Scene of people discussing and having a good time while pointing and touching each other’s tiles
Windows Phone. Tiles are fun.

Userfarm Microsoft Windows Phone Project, Idea: Tile People
November 22, 2012
Karan Bhatia
Concept Notes:
People meeting at a party. They are wearing tiles (coloured paper hanging around the neck by threads), each person is unique according to their tiles and it is a great conversation starter for them looking at each other's tiles.

We can also do it stop motion style with lego characters instead of live shoot.

:20 Video Script 2
The party is rocking, lots of movement and dancing, Ruby is carrying a tray of food and drink and one glass trips and falls on a Mark.
Ruby: Oopsie Daisy, Sheryyy search for best way to remove wine stains quick
Sherry flicks out her Internet Explorer tile off her neck and gets on to it
Sherry: I’m on it!
Charlie comes over to comfort wine-stained Mark, gives him his Xbox tile
Charlie: Chill Out mark, here try this cool new game on Xbox
Mark wins the Trophy in the racing game and raises a wine glass as if holding a trophy in excitement, and spills more wine on himself, then does a “ah what the heck one more stain” expression with his eyebrows
Windows Phone. Tiles are fun.
Creative Crowdsourcing Contest Entries


Creative Crowdsourcing Contest Entries

My ideas entered in various Creative Crowdsourcing Contests, including my $2000 winning TVC idea for Harley Davidson
