JM Santos's profile

CompSAt Week 2016: Let I.T. SURGE!

Let I.T. Surge!
CompSAt Week 2016 Branding
CompSAt Week is the flagship project of the organization, the Computer Society of the Ateneo, I am a member of in the university I am currently studying in. The project aims to showcase the three cores of the organization: Learn IT, Use IT, and Share IT. The project consists of subprojects catering to each core.
I was assigned to be the Promotions Head for this project, tasked to create all promotional paraphernalia for the project: online posters, tarpauilins, shirt, name tags, and other materials.
The team for this year is "Surge", a watery-themed take in describing what we want for IT to happen: to surge like the waves and waters. It was also a way to time it with the start of the Summer Season here.

The first thing I needed was a color scheme. "I need a watery feel, and some summer colors"
I wanted a custom type for the main word: "SURGE". Keeping in mind that I need it to be a water-y summer theme, I drew something custom
Creating the main poster was tricky, but I found a way for random swirls and shapes to work :D
Fonts used
Titles: GoodDog
Details: Bitter
And now, I present the two main posters for the event.
A poster is made for each subproject, following one style and layout of the elements
Variations of the promos were also made throughout the week. These are usually announcements on the events
Here's the official shirt for the project.
Nametags were also made for the volunteers of the project, and the officers of the organization
Tarpaulins were also made, derived from the main posters
For our org's social media accounts, I made customized cover photos, as well as customized display picture frames. This way, our members can be part of the promotional run of the project
And lastly, I made these acknowledgment posters at the end of the project, thanking the necessary people involved in making the project possible
All in all, the project took me 40 artboards: the main promotional paraphernalias (25, shown in the pic below), the exhibit tarpaulins (9, not shown), and the acknowledgment posters (6)
I can say that with was a good run for me, this being my last project as the head of the promotions department of this organization, as well as my last project ever in my stay here at this university. :) 
Cheers to CompSAt! To better days ahead :D
CompSAt Week 2016: Let I.T. SURGE!


CompSAt Week 2016: Let I.T. SURGE!

Flagship Project of the Computer Society of the Ateneo, held at the Ateneo de Manila University.
