Alex A'Hearn's profile

LOCAL NATIVES // Album Identity Creation


My work here is dedicated to my strong love for music and art. I have always wanted to fuse my artistic talent with my passion for music. Musical artist branding was the perfect way.  I think the artwork of musicians is very important to their music.  Whenever I’m browsing for new music through Spotify or record stores, my eye automatically goes to the bands with the most appeasing artwork. I chose 3 of some of my favorite bands: Local Natives, Delorean, and Toro Y Moi, and designed box sets for each of them. Each box set includes a 12” LP vinyl record within a sleeve and jacket, 1 free digital download code card, and a 24”x36” wall poster. Along with these, I designed mock event posters for each of the bands playing in local venues. 
It’s significant to me that the artwork matches their sound, so my process started by sketching out ideas, words, and images that would come to my mind while listening to each band’s music. From there I would incorporate colors and type I thought matched well with the music and imagery I came up with. I started with each band’s wall poster and branched out to the vinyl designs. I have never had so much enjoyment in a project. Combining two loves in my life to create work for this show made the process easy and joyful. I honestly did what I loved and am planning to foster this focus.
Event Poster Advertisment
Vinyl Artwork
Vinyl Jacket Artwork (Front)
Vinyl Jacket Artwork (Back)
Vinyl Sleeve Artwork (Front)
Vinyl Jacket Artwork (Back)
Free Digital Album Download Code Card
Decorative Wall Poster
LOCAL NATIVES // Album Identity Creation

LOCAL NATIVES // Album Identity Creation

My work here is dedicated to my strong love for music and art. I have always wanted to fuse my artistic talent with my passion for music. Musical Read More
