Shakib Shaikh's profile

Piko- Spline project

PIKO Project- Spline 
 Piko - a minimalist AI companion that embodies the essence of simplicity and functionality. Conceived through a fusion of imagination and cutting-edge 3D design tools, Piko is a captivating exploration of form, symbolism, and the future of human-machine interaction.
With its sleek, monochromatic aesthetic and clean lines, Piko challenges the notion of what an AI companion should look like. Its compact, cubic base exudes a sense of stability and groundedness, while the expressive, oversized head with distinctive eyes invites curiosity and engagement.
Piko's design is a masterclass in minimalism, where every curve and angle serves a purpose. Its simplified form belies a depth of thought and consideration, reflecting the idea that true intelligence lies not in complexity but in the ability to distill complexity into elegant solutions.
Through this project, I aimed to explore the intersection of cutting-edge technology and timeless design principles. Piko is a testament to the power of restraint and the beauty that can emerge from embracing simplicity in an increasingly complex world.
Whether perceived as a futuristic companion or a thought-provoking sculpture, Piko invites viewers to contemplate the evolving relationship between humans and artificial intelligence, challenging preconceptions and sparking discussions about the role of design in shaping our technological future.

Spline Design File-
Piko- Spline project


Piko- Spline project
