Bárbara Schoen's profile

Globo's Authentication

Globo is the biggest media company in Brazil. It's not only know for being the biggest the open TV channel in the country, but also because it has several digital services, like different news papers, games and it's own streaming.

As a designer at Globo, I was working with the unique account for end users. Since the company has several different digital services, the users could login to each one of them with the same Globo account.

At the moment I started at this project, the unique account already existed, but it had several issues that required investigation and redesign.
The process

It was quite an urgent demand. Ideally, we'd have more time for discovery, but Globo needs to consider very strict deadlines since it deals with huge events (e.g., broadcasting the Olympic games, the FIFA World Cup, etc.).

Even in a hurry, user research is very important and respected at the company.

One of the first steps we took was to take a look at what other big players were doing. Since one of the biggest Globo's login motivators was Globoplay, it's streaming service, we focused a bit on that. Mobile, desktop and TV flows were analyzed. 
Complaints analysis

To understand which authentication problems most affect users, the various sources in which they appear were consulted (call center, application stores, etc.). 

Thus, we obtained a sample that gives an idea of ​​the recurrence of these problems, in addition to understanding how impactful they are for the user journey. During the analysis, 10 categories were found, in which the 73 problems were distributed.
Volume analysis
Problems occurrence

The problems analyzed were distributed across the 10 categories found, making it possible to understand which one appears most frequently in complaints
Who's being impacted

After classifying the problems into categories, an analysis was made of who was being most impacted: new or old users. In the general scenario, old users are the ones most impacted by the problems encountered, or at least the ones who complain the most on the channels, often even talking about wanting to cancel subscriptions to Globo products because of the problem they had.
Impact on user journeys
Impediment or not

Looking generally, most of the problems reported are impediments to the continuation of what the user was trying to do. The proportion makes sense when remembering that the problems mapped came largely from direct complaints from users, who, frustrated, looked for a complaint channel to seek help.
Where are the biggest impediments

Where the most impeding problems occur within the selected categories:
And now, how much should we worry?
Knowing the recurrence and impact that problems cause on journeys, we have a view of which of them are the most latent. Those that appear in the red quadrant have more volume and are more impediments to journeys.

This was important for us to decide where to take quick actions.
After analyzing what needed to be solved and understanding what impacted most the user journey, wireframes were created to start the refinements with the development team. It was chosen to focus on web mobile at first, since it was the biggest login channel.
These wireframes were used to build a prototype and test if the flow had the expected behaviours.

The test didn't particularly show any issues, so we adapted a bit the flow for the TVs.
Prototype and final UI
The final UI was designed in Figma, in both bright and dark modes. 

The delivery file also had accessibility guidelines. At this project specifically, accessibility for people with motor difficulties and vision problems has been considered.

These guidelines were implemented by the developers, mapping what needed to be said, in case the screen reeder was turned on, and grouping elements, so neither the screen reeder or users navigating through the keyboard would have to access every single element in the screen without wanting to.
This project was a big challenge. It's not simple to do something that impacts more than 10 different services, gathering millions of users.

Even though it has it's complications with short deadlines, research was crucial to decide where to focus first, being assertive in the deliveries.
Globo's Authentication

Globo's Authentication
