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Content Audit for the Travel Service: Viago Travel

Travel Platform & Device Type: The website was still under development during our audit of Viago Travel's web designs.
Goals and Performance Metrics:
Increase user engagement on the website (measured by time on page and number of pages per session).
Improve conversion rates (measured by the number of bookings per visit).
Enhance content findability (measured by a decrease in bounce rate and an increase in internal search usage).
Strengthen brand voice consistency across all content (qualitatively measured through a survey).
Content Audit Criterias:
Language Clarity: Is the language simple and easy to understand? Does it avoid jargon?
Readability: Is the content formatted for easy reading online? Does it use headers, bullets, and whitespace effectively?
Relevance: Is the content relevant to the user’s interests and needs? Does it address their pain points and desires?
Findability: Can users easily find the information they are looking for? Is the navigation intuitive?
Brand Voice: Does the content reflect the brand's voice and tone? Is it consistent across all pages?
Topicality: Is the content up to date with current travel trends and destinations?
Visual Hierarchy and CTA: Is there a clear visual hierarchy? Are the calls to action (CTAs) compelling and clear?

Conducting the Audit:
Header Section
The main headline "Explore the best of Georgia with The Pilgrim" is clear and compelling. Status: Keep.
The subtext is lorem ipsum, which is placeholder text. Status: Update. Action: Replace with an engaging description of what The Pilgrim offers.
Service Icons Section
Icons such as "Short trips," "Seasonal trips," and "Transportation" have good clarity, but lack descriptive text. Status: Update. Action: Add a short descriptor under each icon to enhance understanding.
"We're excited to see you here!" Section
The message is welcoming, but it doesn't guide the user towards action. Status: Update. Action: Include a clear call to action, perhaps prompting users to check out the latest deals or featured tours.
"Explore Popular Trips" Section
The section has clear headings and images, but the trip prices and details use a small font size which may affect readability. Status: Update. Action: Increase the font size for trip details and ensure pricing stands out.
"I don’t know where to start…" Section
The section invites user interaction, which is good for engagement, but it's not clear what the survey is for. Status: Update. Action: Clarify the benefit of taking the survey with a tagline like "Personalize your trip with our quick survey."
Footer Section
The subscription CTA "Subscribe to get the deals first!" is clear but might not be compelling enough. Status: Update. Action: Emphasize the value of subscribing, like "Get exclusive deals and insider travel tips."
The page needs to ensure that all placeholder text is replaced with actual content.
Update the visual elements to make sure they are aligned with the text content in terms of relevance and engagement.
Verify that all links work and lead to the correct destinations.
By improving these elements, the platform should see a boost in user engagement and, consequently, an increase in bookings.

Below is attached audit, use arrows to switch to desktop landing page.
Content Audit for the Travel Service: Viago Travel


Content Audit for the Travel Service: Viago Travel
