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'Liberal Since 1843' - Print Ads

The Economist is a newspaper that delivers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science and technology throughout most of the world's main cities
To remind the existing loyal readers of the essence and history of the company. While also enticing new potential readers and engaging them in curiosity, ultimately leading them wanting to find out more
The Elite--Highly educated readers (Existing loyalists and new potential readers)
The big idea of this advertising campaign was to exhibit the long lasting commitment of the company to the classical 19th-century Liberal ideas of its founder, James Wilson

To showcase this in the most simplest and yet effective way, words that could be interpreted with double meanings were used to symbolise the principles of 'Liberalism'
The choice of words: 'Hay' (Hey), 'Halo' (Hello) and 'High' (Hi) were used as a cheeky way of introducing the brand to its new potential readers as well as holding the interest of its existing readers through wordplay
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'Liberal Since 1843' - Print Ads

'Liberal Since 1843' - Print Ads

The Economist is a newspaper that delivers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science and tech Read More
