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Untamed Naturalicks Cat Treats Product Photography

Commissioned Project, Untamed Naturalicks.

My first project with Untamed focused on their newly relaunched cat treats, and returned fantastic feedback. The client soon followed up to confirm a follow up project with a similar but trickier product to work with. These colourful yoghurt-tube-like cat treats are filled with chicken, tuna and salmon purée respectively. And apparently they’re downright addictive for cats, in the best way possible!

Once more I leant into the colourful and impactful packaging design, I brought out the block colours to return the product to a setting in line visually with our previous project. Through this I am slowly starting to build up a definable and recognisable photographic identity for the brand. Very similar to the approach I take with my Start-up Product Photography Package! It’s a winner.

Photographing Cat Treat Products in the Right Light

I chose to bring a little more life into these assets by including animal shadows to lend verisimilitude to the environments. There’s a difficult line to walk with flat colour environments to look modern and premium rather than tacky or unrealistic. Ironically the trick to this is to include imperfections, like textures, shadows, reflected colours, etc. These organically shaped shadows break up the neat edges and bright colours and bring the product back into reality.

To create a cohesive series of images, I shot each product with consistent styling throughout the flavour and colour variations. This ties a Product Display Page together nicely, while also aesthetically linking multiple product options from the Product Listing Page.

As always, my top tier printed vinyl backdrops come from Club Backdrops. Use that link to get your first backdrop free!

It’s always a joy when a successful project directly results in another. The longer a client and I work together, the more we can develop the project briefs and subsequently, the deliverables.
Untamed Naturalicks Cat Treats Product Photography


Untamed Naturalicks Cat Treats Product Photography

A product photography project for Untamed cat food, featuring their newly launched Naturalicks cat treats. Directed, shot and edited by Studio G.
