In Monument Valley I met Leroy, a Navajo Indian. Monument Valley is often used as a symbol for America. Leroy owns Sacred Monument Tours, where they driving tourists around in the Valley. During our conversation, Leroy had some nice quotes: What a man needs is a steak and a beer at the end of the day! And you can look at a woman in two different ways; the good way and the bad way, the good way is to look at a woman in total and the bad way is to see only her beauty!
This is Eddie with his two dogs Duke and daisy. Eddie has spent years working as an international truck driver in Iraq until he was driving at a roadside bomb. His body is so damaged that he cannot drive cars anymore. I met Eddie at a campground in t he Grand Canyon. He and his wife Norma stay there that night in thier trailer to drive off the next day to Las-Vegas. Th epickup and trailer were ruled by Norma. "How I cam to Norma is like the story of Johnny Cash and June carter" Eddie told me.
This is Mike. I met Mike at Blondies, a restaurant we encountered on the way from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas ~. Mike said he has sent twice to Vietnam. In total, he served four years. By psychological and physical problems, he can no longer work. Uncle Sam pays me, he said. Weed safes my life, Because there is nothing to do here in this goddamn town, he said.
When I was filling up gas somewhere in the middle of nowhere I met Hank. While the gallons of gasoline squeaking trough the old hose of a old gas station I heard behind me; Hi, where you from? From Holland, I replied. Holland? Yes. I'v been to Holland in the past when, we had money, but that's all gone now, said Hank. Now Hank is taking care of his wife Betsie because of the impact of cancer in her leg the doctors amputated her lower leg. After the amputation gangrene arose in betsie her leg so they had amputate a past of her tigh too. Soon she gets prosthetic. Hank hopes that she can get used to her prosthetic fast and get mobile again.
I met Chris during his training on muscle beach in venice beach. He trains every day to a high bar for the semi Olympics in Moscow, Russia. I asked him about his tattoos, whether they have any meaning. Chris told me that the most tattoos have no meaning for him, but one does. The hundred dollar bill on his ass. It means to me that money is the devil you face every day is. And that money can make you things that you do not want to do. 
American Natives

American Natives

American Natives is made by Marcel Bonte during our trip true West-Amerika.
