Gerson Irazabal's profile

Ketal | It's a girl

YEAR           BRAND           CAMPAIGN
2023             KETAL            IT'S A GIRL

A story of love, death and adoption to communicate the rebranding of a brand.
In the middle of the year 2023, a client asked us to carry out its rebranding. And as part of the campaign, the challenge was to make a spot that would connect with Bolivians. So we decided to speak from honesty. Ketal, the supermarket with the longest history in La Paz, had a problem: it was losing consumers and change was a necessity. That's why we created IT'S A GIRL, a story that portrays the importance of changing in time before losing the ones we love. Enjoy it, as much as we enjoyed filming it.

Una historia de amor, muerte y adopción para comunicar el rebranding de una marca.
A mitades del 2023,  cliente nos pidió llevar adelante su cambio de imagen. Y como parte de la campaña, el reto era realizar un spot que conecte con los bolivianos. Así que decidimos hablar desde la honestidad. Ketal, el supermercado con más historia de La Paz, tenía un problema: estaba perdiendo consumidores y el cambio era una necesidad. Por eso creamos ES NIÑA, una historia que retrata la importancia de cambiar a tiempo antes de perder a quienes queremos. Disfrútenla, tanto como nosotros lo hicimos al filmarla.




Ogilvy Bolivia
Chief Creative Officer: Henry Medina
Creative Copywriter: Gerson Irazabal
Project Manager: Claudia Rojas
Graphic Designers: Andrés Vega, Adrián Poma, Kevin Quiroz

5to Elemento
Director: Julio Barragán
Executive Producer: Mateo Barrios
Director of Photograph: Sebastián Fernandez
Production Designer: Mariana Sandoval
Assistant Director: Alvaro Alvarez
Producer: Andrés Saenz
Assistant Producer: Fernando Corasa, Daniel Loayza
Assistant Executive Producer: Nathalie Barrios
Casting: Pamela Cejas
Camera Assistants: Julio Cruz, David Laura
Making of / Photo: Juan Ramos
Art Producer: Jannet Cerrogrande
Post production: Boris Yampara
Sound Design: Matias Berdiales / Polenta

Ketal | It's a girl