Kuli-kuli is a West Africans snack primarily made from peanuts, first made by the various ethnic groups including the Nupe people of Nigeria and Dagbon people of Ghana.It is a popular snack in Nigeria, Benin, northern Cameroon and Ghana. It is often eaten alone or with a mixture of as cassava flakes, sugar and water.
     This mini brand identity was done for brand that sells this snack which has been branded "KOOLI", the aim was to design something very playful and captivating while also keeping the tagline of the brand in mind which is "Crunchy, Spicy and Irresistible" and this was done by the use of colours tagged "Kooli Brown" as per brown is the colour of the snack and also to represent crunchiness, then "Kooli Red" for the spice and "Kooli Yellow" to show the snack is irresistible.....


