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bEEP Car Share Service Brand Book interactive PDF

My final project for HackerU: a comprehensive brand book for bEEP Car Share Service. This in-depth guide delves into the brand's vision, values, and visual identity, featuring designs for everything from business cards to a dynamic phone app, all showcased in vivid mockups.

Regrettably, due to limitations with interactive PDFs, I had to make a choice between including an interactive table of contents or preserving other features. The provided version excludes the table of contents functionality. Rest assured, it works seamlessly, and if you'd like to experience it firsthand, feel free to view the PDF (and leave comments) through my Google Drive by clicking on this text.

You can discover individual design elements, presented at a higher quality, beneath the brand book, as well as a video advertisement. 
double sided A5 flyer
bEEP car sticker
series of 3 billboards
social media square post
double sided business card
bEEP Car Share Service Brand Book interactive PDF

bEEP Car Share Service Brand Book interactive PDF
