ENDY. ZNOY brand identity

“To give the joy of discovering new tastes in food, in communication, in life”

This is a mission of ZNOY — an international restaurant chain in a casual dining format
that unites peopleand world cuisines.

Brand identity built on contrasts was inspired by the intersection of recipes, dishes and stories
of different countries that expand the gastronomic culture of people.​​​​​​​
Brand logo

Consists of the font part and a logo. The letter Y represents arcs, each of which converges to a single point.
This symbol is universal, capacious and concise. Just as ingredients are found in dishes, dishes are on the menu, and people are in the walls of the restaurant.

Brand logo

The brand's palette is inspired by the theme of contrasting combinations
and consists of juicy natural colors that arouse appetite.

ENDY. ZNOY brand identity