Chiara Cola's profile

Undressing the Mythic Body | PSA Festival | July 2013

Workshop with David Curtis-Ring | set design, costume design, art direction. 
Pergine Spettacolo Aperto, Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy.
27th June-6th July 2013 

Press release. 
"David Curtis-Ring, London based costume designer, set designer and art director, works on the production of music videos, fashion shows, theatre productions, and collaborated with artists such as Arctic Monkeys, Sinead O'Connor, Sadler's Wells theatre, performance artist Bryony Kimmings and the designer Craig Green. 
David presents in the festival the results of the intensive workshop "Undressing the mythic body", held in Pergine. A true process of in depth analysis of the individual remembrance, creatively translated into a costume, that is not a dress anymore but it turns into a performance and installation. 
The results of this work will be shown and animated in a final night of great suggestion, then will be installed in the shop windows of Pergine city centre stores."

PSA | Pergine Spettacolo Aperto 2013. 
David Curtis-Ring 

"Punk kimono of light" | "The future is unwritten" Joe Strummer - The Clash -
Dedicated to Gianluca 

"I created something that put together two big sources of inspiration for me: Japan and punk music. 
I recreated a punk version of the kimono, working a lot on the surface through the creation of spikes and playing with fluo colors and strong lights. 
It was all made of recycled cardboard and wood, hand cut, painted and sprayed. The central body is covered in black fabric. 

The spikes could be kept closed or open, allowing the pass of light. Very graphic style, created with my own hands. 
A simple but very elegant shield, like an organic creature, emanating its own light. 
Very suggestive in total darkness!
A great challenge for me and so much to learn and experiment all together, in some very intense days, under the amazing and inspiring guide of David Curtis-Ring."

Chiara Cola 
A few of the works from the other participants, in order of appearance: 
Alice de Ixime, Michele Ciardulli, Yve Blake. 
All photos © Chiara Cola 2014 
Undressing the Mythic Body | PSA Festival | July 2013

Undressing the Mythic Body | PSA Festival | July 2013

Press release. David Curtis-Ring, London based costume designer, set designer and art director, works on the production of music videos, fashion Read More
