This movie shows the general problems of tourists when they visit Castello Sforzesco.
The App is projected for a totem that will be set close to Castello Sforzesco.
It helps people to optimize their time planing their tour. This project is thought both for people has a smartphone and people hasn't got a smartphone.

The App starts with a Home where people has 4 options. In each session you can select the events that you want to visit. Every event has a description that you can read before taking a choice.
The App adds the selected events on your tour map but you can have a feedback of your choice looking at the list in the right part of the App.
In each moment you can decide to remove an event from your tour map clicking on "X" closes the notice.
You can come back at Home, clicking on the big Icon. 
In each time you can see your map.
When you have decided and completed your tour plan, you can see your tour map that shows where you can find the selected events and the time necessary for your tour.
You can print your map, giving the number shown on display to the info point which prints your personal map. But if you have a smartphone you can use it to see you personal map through the Qr Code.
There are 4 options :
2_Museum session
3_Castle session
4_Services session
5_Events session
5_See you tour map
The following wireframe is an example of a complete tour map.


An Application helping tourists to optimize their time and to plan a good tour in Castello Sforzesco. This beautiful place and his events aren't Read More


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