The project consists in create two design compositions, one with a sans serif typography, “Neue Haas Grotesk Bold”, and the other with serif typography, “Stempel Garamond Roman”. The compositions must be an abstract design that follows the design principles and must be created with letter/glyphs of these typefaces.
The objective is to learn how letters/glyphs are design and know the difference between two typefaces.
Final Sans Serif (left) and Serif (right) Compositions.
Sans Serif Composition. It was used the font "Neue Haas Grotesk Bold". We can see the use of design principles as focal point, isolation, and alignment.
Serif Composition. It was used the font "Stempel Garamond Roman". We can the use of design principles as focal point, negative space, and alignment.
Art with Letters

Art with Letters


Creative Fields