Mikalina Franco's profile

What Is Precipitation?


Our team was asked to create a poster that could clearly explain one weather topic at a level that is understandable for middle school and high school students. Since precipitation is a common weather phenomenon -- and a popular topic on our website, we chose that as the topic. The final product would need to be available as a print product that could be distributed by meteorologists in classroom visits, as well as an engaging digital product on our NOAA SciJinks website.

Impact on Organization: 

The finished print product was distributed to middle schools and high school classrooms nationwide, and the digital product receives thousands of website hits every month. It is also the top image that appears for the Google search query "What Is Precipitation?", and the page itself claims the #5 spot on the search page. This raised awareness of the SciJinks website and the work done by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - R Series. It also helped to further position our site as a reputable source for simple and well-explained weather content.
Creative Techniques:

We have three Adobe products to thank for creating this product:

1. Illustrator was used to create the illustrations including the backgrounds, assets for animation, and to lay out the projects.

2. After Effects was used to create movement in the poster in the form of a series of animated gifs to add interest to the otherwise static images.

3. Photoshop was used to output the GIFs.
What Is Precipitation?

What Is Precipitation?
