AA 2020

Selected for Curated by Charles Simmond (AA- collected Berlin) 2020
Selected for Tincallab gallery Oporto



Lorenzo and Valeria are brother and sister but of different age, sex, zodiacal signs and character. She is as extrovert and volcanic as he is thoughtful and quiet.
They have both developed a special approach to shapes and an interest in the materic object: Lorenzo in the architecture, Valeria in gems. In common they have a ‘physical’ art: analog photography and jewelry making.
Without ever speaking of their respective works and performing at different times and along parallel paths, linearity and minimalism made their creations "familiar".
The project "Cemento" combines Lorenzo's Polaroids and Valeria's jewels, which are inspired by the lines of the photographs, in an overlapping dialogue of materials and shapes.

Tecnique: polaroid picture /  lost wax casting bronze with yellow gold, silver and rose gold plated. 

Type of pieces: Rings

