Title Sequence​​​​​​​
“A recreation of the ending credits from the movie Contagion”

This project recreates movie credits by incorporating motion graphics using After Effects and Photoshop. The film Contagion is a cautionary tale for our current global situation. This film offers a long view of how a virus spreads and how the world has fallen into a pandemic lockdown.

Fast edits with glitches and blurs evoke a dangerous world, where with only one touch, everything can change into a catastrophe. The colour palette is black, white and red because red hues represent the death of many people due to the virus with a dusty background effect to reflect the pandemic’s real-life scene, with a darker overall mood with the predominant black. The title sequence itself portrays the scenes of how terrible the world could be through conceptual footage.

Contagion Ending Credit

Contagion Ending Credit
