Photo manipulation is my thing. I've been using Adobe Photoshop since 1991. A lot has changed since then, and I've added Adobe Lightroom to my bag of tricks. But sometimes all you need is one click of a button to transform an image for your social media posts.

A quick way to make this fine art piece look a lot different is to open it up in Adobe Photoshop Express. This slightly faded effect lightened up the image and changed the mood completely. One click, but one click. This is a free app ... enjoy!
When did you last use the advice ‘fake it til you make it’? That easily could have been my mantra when I started being a photographer. I wanted to be unique and develop strong creative skills for my clients, but without experience it felt a bit like I was standing outside on a dark day, in a field of beautiful flowers, but standing all alone.

I messed up sometimes, like every business owner does, and I also had personal hardships that forged against my success. But with every stumble or fall, I got back up, always. And I’m so glad I did, because eventually I found unique ways to become a creative brand photographer, to see outside the box for small business owners, and build strength and endurance as a business owner year after year!
It means so much to me to have created a business all my own, quirks and all, and even more that you’re along for the ride. What journey has your business adventures been taking you on? Please share your experiences below in the comments.
That special Celebration of Hearts is coming up next month. Have you found that special unique gift that's perfect for the person that has everything? I often go for chocolates to cater to life's pleasures. I love photographing close-ups like this to appreciate textures and the richness of colors. I love the chocolate browns beside the shiny sparkle of this gold embellishment prop. 

Any small business in the White Rock/Ocean Park/Crescent Beach area need some product shots? DM me to see how I can stylize your products to attract your perfect customers.
2021 January | Getting a flow of ideas that makes you dream sparkling stars and unicorns? My clients usually experience that when brain-storming their projects with me. I know, it's a truly unique experience. What can I say, I love what I do, and inspiration and creativity flow freely as I discover your projects and elaborate on solutions with you.

Dream. Create. Inspire.

That's what I'm all about!

Head on over to my website and see if I can provide brand and graphic design solutions for your small business. Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or just like my pretty photo I took in my home studio.
2021 January | While aiming for some flatlay images, I ended up on a totally different path and produced this image. Some days are just like that.
2021-January | Self-Portrait ... just goofing around.



We capture moments of joy, ideas transforming businesses, and lifestyle experiences. These concepts can be used as relevant content for websites, Read More
