Lama Shehadeh's profile

Hanifa Awad Saa'd Eddine | حنيفة عوض سعد الدّين

Hanifa, a Palestinian Woman

Hanifa Awad Saa'd Eddine (1937-2006) is my grandmother.
She was born in the Palestinian village Al-Ghabseyyi that was demolished in the Nakba (the catastrophe) of 1948. An Israeli settlement, Netiv HaShayara, was built on top of its lands. Upon the demolition of Al-Ghabsiyye, Hanifa, the child, was displaced to the nearby Palestinian village Al-Mazra'a, where she lived the rest of her life.
In 1999, my grandmother developed Alzheimer's disease. She could not recognize us anymore, but the shine her eyes got has lasted until her last day. She traveled back in time and left us behind - trapped in the present. She became deeper, clearer, and ultimate, just like past and memory, but we became oblivious. My grandmother got the disease and became a metaphor, and we remained the wandering reality.
ستّي إم إمّي | حنيفة عوض-سعد الدين 1937-2006.
ستّي خلقت بالغابسية - قضاء عكّا (اللي اليوم مبني محلّها נתיב השיירה). ولمّا انهدمت البلد بالنكبة تهجّرت طفلة ع قرية المزرعة وعاشت هناك.
بالـ1999 بلش عندها الألزهايمر، صح بطّلت تعرفنا، بس عينيها من وقتها ولحدّ م ماتت وهنّي يلمعوا ويسرحوا. هي كانت تتنقّل وترجع بالزمن لوين بدها، وإحنا صافنين فيها علقانين بالحاضر. هي صارت أعمق وأبعد وأوضح، زي الماضي والذاكرة، وإحنا صرنا مش فاهمين. ستّي مرضت وصارت مجاز، وإحنا ضلّينا الحقيقة التايهة.

Hanifa Awad Saa'd Eddine | حنيفة عوض سعد الدّين

Hanifa Awad Saa'd Eddine | حنيفة عوض سعد الدّين



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