What is Cystitis

In cystitis, there is a problem of swelling, redness and irritation in the bladder and urethra. Bladder infection is a disturbing condition. Burning problem occurs during urination. This condition is also called UTI. Bladder infection can be painful. This problem also reaches the kidneys.

Symptoms of cystitis

Pain and burning sensation while urinating
Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen (stomach)
Smell in Urine
Blood in urine
Need to go constantly to urinate
mild fever

causes of cystitis

Chemotherapy Medicine, Cyclophosphamide and Ifosamize
Radiation treatment of pelvic area
Some people are susceptible to the chemicals contained in the products, such as bubble baths, femurine hygiene sprays or spermicidal jelly, etc. can cause bladder irritation.
Complaints of other disorders, such as diabetes, kidney stone, enlarged prostate or spinal cord injury
In addition, there is a type of cystitis called interstitial cystitis. Most cases are diagnosed in women. Diagnosing and treating the condition can also be difficult.

When does my risk for cystitis increase?

Risks of cystitis

Some people are more likely to have a bladder infection. Women are more susceptible to this infection. This can be seen by combining it with physical anatomy. Females have smaller urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder.

The risk of UTI is higher in women who take birth control medicines.
In women who are undergoing monopause, hormone levels change. They are more prone to this infection.

Other risks in both men and women

Interfere with urin flow. This condition can be caused by a stone in the bladder or, in men, an enlarged prostate.

Changes in the immune system. Sometimes a condition can occur during diabetes, HIV infection or cancer treatment. A depressed immune system can cause such a situation. Viral infection may also occur in some cases.

Prolonged use of the bladder catheter may increase bacterial infection as well as damage to bladder tissue.

How is cystitis diagnosed?

If you are seeing symptoms of cystitis, talk to your doctor soon. After seeing your signs and symptoms, the doctor will do some tests like,

Ureine analysis

For a suspected bladder infection, your doctor may ask for a urine sample to determine if your urine contains bacteria, blood, or pus. If so, he may request culture of urinary bacteria.

During this test, your doctor inserts a thin tube (with light and camera attached) through the urethra with the help of a cystoscope. Symptoms of infection are seen in urinary tract. During this time, the doctor may also remove a small piece of tissue for biopsy.

Imaging testing is usually not necessary, but it can be taken if information about the infection is not available. For example, an X-ray or ultrasound provides information about other causes of bladder inflammation, such as tumors or structural abnormalities.

What is cystitis

What is cystitis

What is cystitis


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