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slowdive KV 2020 (unpublish)

Starting from the concept of American illustration style, give the freediving a new interpretation. Every element is related to the "slowdive" lifestyle. Whether it is a very chill beach lounge chair, dive fins, palm trees, plants, or even the nose is runny because practicing, the turtle doesn't be embarrassed that saying "love me". It's more colorful for key vision this year. Hope every "slowdivers" can be chilling and enjoy freediving.

由美式插畫概念出發,希望讓 slowdive 有一套新的詮釋。 每一個物件都是跟 slowdive 的生活方式有關。無論是很 chill 的躺椅、蛙鞋、棕櫚樹、植物,甚至是鼻子常常練平壓而流鼻水、海龜不害臊地說愛我等角色,以幽默詼諧來呈現。讓每一位認識 slowdive 這個品牌的夥伴,可以更 chill、更桑的享受自由潛水。

slowdive KV 2020 (unpublish)


slowdive KV 2020 (unpublish)

Starting from the concept of American illustration style, give the freediving a new interpretation. Every element is related to the "slowdive" li Read More
