SockStarz, All profits go to Harc, Inc.
SockStarz, Harc's new social enterprise is novelty sock business that was developed by Harc, Inc. to create employment opportunities for adults with special needs. All profits go to Harc, Inc. and support Harc's mission of providing special needs support for a lifetime to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families so they may enjoy lives of quality, inclusion and dignity.

Projects I helped with: 

- Created the SockStarz logo and store signage, including the store awning
- Photographed SockStarz events and everyday life of Harc
- Prepared print and graphic materials as assigned ie: flyers, bag stuffers, stationery,
  business cards, etc.
- Assisted with the launch of the SockStarz website on the Shopify platform

Assisted with the launch of the SockStarz website on the Shopify platform
SockStarz employees at the SockStarz store on 18 LaSalle Road in West Hartford, CT. I designed the awning, SockStaz logo, and helped with storage signage.
SockStarz Ribbon Cutting - September 2019. 
SockStarz Bus Ad on CT Transit Buses
SockStarz Bus Ad on CT Transit Buses - up close
SockStarz Bus Ad on CT Transit Buses - second version
SockStarz logo I created.

