Aaron Amar's profile

Malibata Redux Baybayin Typeface - Bahaghari / PRIDE

Based on my first baybayin typeface Malibata Neue,
resurrected and re-imagined to keep Baybayin alive and never forgotten.
Baybayin for every age and scene.

Bahaghari and Bahaghari PRIDE are both .otf color fonts created with streams of rainbow and color. Bahaghari has 7 colors, while Bahaghari PRIDE are based on modern Pride flag with 6 colors.

Key features:
- .OTF Color font
- Ligatures for every syllable
- Baybayin Unicode System for Baybayin keyboard
- Baybayin Unicode ligatures for clean layout of marks

Crafted by Aaron Amar
See download link below

[MRBT001] Bahaghari 🌈
Baybayin for the youthful.

[MRBT001P] Bahaghari PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈
Baybayin for the proud.

Free for personal and commercial use

This font was tested on Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe Photoshop CC on Mac OS.
For suggestions and concerns, send me a message here at Bēhance or email me at jeruelaaronamar@gmail.com
Malibata Redux Baybayin Typeface - Bahaghari / PRIDE

Malibata Redux Baybayin Typeface - Bahaghari / PRIDE

Based on my first baybayin typeface "MALIBATA NEUE" from 2014, painted with streams of rainbow and shadows for overlap effects.
