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Shaping Mountain thru Mouth

Shaping Mountain Thru Mouth

This visual quickly greets the audience with the moment of, "Once I thought I’m going to read it, I can’t!"

Anyone would have attempted to make at least one guess of what it is about this mountain that these column may be speaking of. But ‘mouthtain’ does not quite make the same sense as ‘mountain’, does it? Now, one is likely to experience a sense of a disconnect. It is an experience similar to times when we feel like there is something we desire, yet we do not know exactly what it is and we can’t seem to find it either. It’s like attempting an uphill task.

Words are present, but unlettered, conjuring a moment of potential pleasure that remains to linger as potential. It is solely this same moment that has driven a full-time architect to run an indie publisher, Phutobook.

Still, Phutobook is a publisher. To keep words unlettered seem nonsense either. Now, the attention already came back to the work of reducing the mountain tasks down to the size of letter words, which is what Phutobook does, or is, just for anyone who might need it.

Shaping Mountain thru Mouth

Shaping Mountain thru Mouth

Experimental Typography Project
