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Gladius Maximus - As You Wish Helmet Project

Star Wars - Clone Wars Helmet Sculpt
This is the helmet I created for Star War Celebration VI (SWCVI): All proceeds for this project went to benefit the The As You Wish (Make-A-Wish Foundation). Organized by and 501st Legion a group of artist including myself were selected to alter a Clone Trooper eFX or a Mandalorian style helmet for auction at the show.

The 501st had previously organized a similar project utilizing storm trooper helmets and Darth Vader helmets. The success of these projects lead them to organize another. I was fortunate to be one of the artist approached/selected for this wonderful project.

20 Boba Fett style helmets and 20 Episode II Clone Trooper helmets were sent out to artists all over.

I created 3 concept helmets at first. I would try and turn one into DeadMau5 style helmet with lights and the iconic ears. The second would be a this Gladiator style helmet. Apologies but the third I cannot remember. 
How it all started. I was fortunate to meet Art Andrews ( from the Dented Helmet ) at San Diego Comic Con through a common LFL Contact at the time. After chatting about the project with him and other members of the 501st Legion I knew I had to be a part of this.

When I got home I got to work collecting reference and ideas for what I would want to create. These eFX helmets are no joke, so I knew I had to do it justice.  Like most creatives it all starts with a simple sketch.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into. At this point, I had never done anything like this. I had never cut, glued, painted, any sort of physical prop. In fact, I had historically not done so well with model car kits in my younger days.

But I was committed and determined to accomplish this. I reached out to the 501st Legion, made a few friends and got helpful tips on supplies, processes and tools to use. A few dozen trips to the hardware store and some hours of staring at shelves to get ideas finally got me under way. 

Step 1. Stare at the helmet....   for ever.....

OK, so, the first thing was probably the hardest. I had to destroy a perfectly good helmet. When I opened the box to reveal the helmet I would be working on, I found a super high quality, lined, and custom form fitting packed piece of art. These helmets are amazing. Props to eFX on the quality. 
So why was the first step so hard? Because you have to break it...

But after weeks of staring at it, it was time to work.
So, out came the new dremel, hammer, sharpies and sand paper.
Step 2 - tape, plastic cutting and a lot of stress.

The idea was to cut a lot of the items out of paper, cardboard, card-stock, anything that would hold its shape and let me see what I was doing. Also this created nice templates for me to use on the final plastic pieces.
Step 3 - Cutting and gluing

Once I had some basic shapes and forms, it was time to cut the actual pieces of plastic. I'm not sure what type of plastic it was but thanks to the guys from the 501st Legion who sent me a small sheet.

Some hot glue, a heat gun and some screws with plastic covers from the hardware store and our basic helmet was ready. The hardest thing to find by far however was the face shield so I'm taking that secret with me.  
Step 4 - The Mohawk and the visor

So this was probably the most challenging. Without making the story too long, It took a bunch of poster board mock ups, a lot of painters tape and finally wood and the same plastic used for the rest of it. Here are a few more photos.
Step 5 - get it done

Lastly it was time to seal, primer and paint. I did some research and found some paints that were copper based that could give an authentic patina finish.  My vision from the beginning was to make the helmet weathered and aged.

I decided to hand brush the paint on to add a bit of grit/texture assuming that perfectly smooth metal might not been a thing in ancient times.

Finally with some acid treatment in key areas the helmet was complete.
Gladius Maximus - As You Wish Helmet Project

Gladius Maximus - As You Wish Helmet Project

This sculpt project was my contribution to the Make A Wish Foundation
