When I first started on the project, it was a challenge on how to interpret Aesop and Archigram in a way that they both complement each other. I initially felt that they were both very different because on a surface level, Aesop appears to be this neat and organised brand with their bottles lined up in every store, and then Archigram’s collages are the opposite. However, I came to a realisation that they are both very similar. With Aesop, no store across the globe is the same. The fact that Aesop is known for having different concepts for each store, this becomes their ‘signature design’.This complements Archigram because the collages done by members of the movement, also have very different concepts.Aesop, designs their store to honour the site’s past, present and even future, while the collages of Archigram portrays the key events and happenings of the era. With Archigram, it is interesting to see how historical context merges with the movement’s main idealogy - which is to create a technological utopia.

Archigram x Aesop

The neatly arranged shelvings and Aesop bottles, represent Aesop, and everything else represents Archigram. It’s about framing this sort of a new environment, with Aesop keeping things in order (in terms of their neatly arranged bottles), with Archigram infiltrating and creating a new environment. The layers give it depth more meaning than just what is there like how Archigram’s works are more than just collages of a technological utopia. 

Through the prototypes, I started to play with cutting up each piece and then layering them to see what kind of results/combinations I will get. I tried to incorporate human silhouettes from Archigram’s works and also the wireframes in the collages by using wire mesh as the representation.



Using the lazy susan was inspired by the thinking through making approach. Inspired by Archigram’s non-conforming ways, I wanted to use a method that was different as well. Although the method might not exactly be Avant Garde, but the outcomes are unpredictable and are consistently unique. I like how as much as I am able to control the strength and speed of spinning the lazy susan, the results are beyond my control. Here I also play with layering and trying it out on different mediums such as paper, tracing paper, butter paper and transparency.

Inspired by the colours of Archigram and their unorthodox ways and how Aesop has a signature style by the uniqueness of each of their stores. Those factors were the basis of designing my window.  Starting off with using a lazy Susan and adopting the collaging of Archigram. By shining light through the window, it gives it more texture and depth, it also enhances the layering effect.


Archigram x Aesop


Archigram x Aesop

Year 3 project done while in The Glasgow School of Art Singapore in 2018.
