Lecco Green Vein
In the project it is developed a master plan for the regeneration and reconnection of an urban area of Lecco, the Caldone creek area, with the city centre and the surrounding zones. The idea is to develop strategic visions and design solutions for the future development of the city, based on creative, cultural and touristic aspects through nature-based solutions and resilience principles implementation. 
After the analysis and investigation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints of the urban area, with the related maps of opportunities and constraints, it has been done a Concept map, with the vision for the city and the choice of the areas for a future masterplan analysis and development which includes functions, connections and strategies.

urban planning - opportunities - urban regeneration - connections - envision

Lecco, Italy, 2019
Team work.
Lecco Green Vein


Lecco Green Vein
