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Accident At work

What To Do When Making An Accident At Work Claim?

Workplace injuries can occur at any time at any place. There are a lot of reasons why workplace accidents happen. But we are not going to dive into the reasons why workplace accidents happen. No matter what type of accident at work you have been involved in, there is one thing common. If the fault is not yours, you are eligible to make your accident at work claim. If you think that the accident was caused by the negligence of the other party, you are more than eligible to make your claim.

There are some important steps which need to be taken soon after the accident has occurred. There are some things which need to be taken care of when you get involved in a workplace accident. Taking any wrong step at that time can put you in the hot water and you may lose your amount of accidents at work claim. So, what are the things you should take into consideration after being in a workplace accident? To save you from taking any wrong step, we have gathered a list of some things which you should do after getting injured in a workplace accident.

What Types of Accidents Can You Claim For?

Before we go in more depth of taking your injury claim, you should know what types of accidents you can get the claim for. Here are a few most common types of workplace injuries which make you eligible to get your accident at work claim

Slips, trips and falls

Cuts and lacerations

Getting hit by a heavy object in the head

Getting injured by operating a defective machinery

Injury by the lack of training

Inhaling poisonous gases

Injury due to the lack of safety equipment

Fire or arson

Injury by working at the high places 

The above-mentioned types of scenarios are the most common in the workplace and a lot of people get injured in these accidents. But making a claim is not confined to only these injuries. There are a lot of different injuries which make you eligible to make a claim. Whenever you get into a workplace accident, always discuss your case with injury claim specialists to get a better overview of your case.

What Is an Accident at Work Claim?

If somebody gets involved in a workplace accident then one can get compensated for the injuries received in a workplace accident. But what exactly is an accident at work claim? An accident at work claim is the amount of compensation that you get when you conceive an injury in any workplace accident. This amount of claim covers all the medical expenses, travelling expenses, loss of income, work-related benefits, loss of amenity etc. caused by the accident.

So here are a few steps you should take after being in a workplace accident.
Talk To Your Head or Manager

Notifying your manager can be very helpful. Firstly, you may get compensated on the spot and you may not need to make your claim. Secondly, you can take leave for a few days after the manager comes to know about your injuries. Some people do not talk to the manager due to the fear of losing their job. But if it was not your fault, you do not need to hesitate. When talking to the manager, stick to the facts and do not beat about the bush. Never make any statement which implies that the accident was caused because of your fault. 

Never Run Away

I know that being in an accident is a chaotic situation. It becomes difficult to decide what to do next. But no matter what the situation is, never run away from the place of the accident. Running away from the place of the accident will make the situation worse. It will make the people believe that you are the cause of the accident and it was your fault. As a result, you will lose the amount of compensation you deserve to get.
Medical Assistance

Getting medical assistance is actually the most important step in making your claim. It is not just about making an accident at work claim. But it is also a matter of your health. Workplace accidents can get serious and they may lead to serious infection or other problems if not treated timely. Besides that, you will not be able to get your claim because of a lack of medical proof of your injury. Thus, after being in a workplace accident, get medical assistance as early as possible. 

Contact The Witness

Witnesses are an important aspect of making an accident at work claim. Having witnesses can assist you to win a claim and get your amount of compensation. Whenever you get into an accident at work, look for the witnesses around you. If you find any, approach them and ask them about their details. Try to get their phone numbers, names and home addresses. So that you can contact them whenever you need their statement to get your claim. Having witnesses in your case can strengthen your case and make it easier for you to win your case. 

Hire an Injury Claim Specialist

Most people take their claim in their own hands without having proper knowledge about claims management. As a result, they cannot get the amount of claim they deserve to get because of having a lack of knowledge. It requires an in-depth understanding of the claims management process to get your claim. Having superficial knowledge will make you lose your amount of compensation. You will never be able to deal with the insurance claims adjuster without having expertise in injury claims management. So what should you do?
You should hire injury claim specialists to deal with your case. They are the experts in injury claims management with years of experience. Based on their experience they can get the amount of compensation on your behalf. They have excellent negotiation skills. They use this skill to negotiate with the insurance claims adjuster and get the optimum amount of compensation.

Accident At work

Accident At work


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