Tim McDonnell's profile

Radio - Producer's Workshop

CMI Producer's Workshop
American Public Media - Classical Music Initiative
In October of 2004 I was privileged to join twelve other selectees for the inaugural Classical Music Initiative Producer's Workshop in Minnesota. As peak experiences go, it doesn't get much better than this - spending a week immersed in creativity with some of the brightest mentors in the arts world.
This visionary program was created to help shape the future of radio, which remains the primary point of entry for new classical music audiences around the world. Among the presenters were Terry Teachout, Tod Machover, Tom Voegli and Brian Newhouse. It was a thrill to roam the Minnesota Public Radio halls where many of my favorite shows are produced every day by my broadcasting idols.
This experience empowered me to see my work as presenter, producer and content developer through new eyes. The insights I gained there continue to influence my creative growth and output to this day.
Discover more about the event at:  http://classicalmusicinitiative.publicradio.org/ 
Keynote clips by Tod Machover of MIT and Terry Teachout of "About Last Night" from the CMI producer's workshop.
Bill McGlaughlin in the MPR studio with the Borromeo String Quartet for St. Paul Sunday.
My workshop colleagues and I got to sit in on the entire session, outtakes and all!
The view from master control in Minnesota Public Radio's Maud Moon Weyerhaeuser studio.
Radio - Producer's Workshop


Radio - Producer's Workshop

One of 13 participants chosen for a national creative and broadcasting workshop with American Public Media
