Looking out across the Baltic Sea, view from the bow of MS Gabriella. 01.05.2013
Lifeboat abound MS Gabriella. 01.05.2013
Entrance to the MOOD Galleria, Regeringsgatan, Stockholm. 02.05.2013
Restaurant on top of the MOOD Galleria, Regeringsgatan, Stockholm. 02.05.2013
Medieval streets in Stockholm's old town, Gamla Stan. 02.05.2013
Windows above the medieval streets of Gamla Stan. 02.05.2013
Buildings along Strandvägen. 03.05.2013
Light falling through the trees, Strandvägen. 03.05.2013
Floating restaurant and moored boats along Strandvägen. 03.05.2013
Houses and buildings line the shorefront, view from MS Gabriella. 05.03.2013
Surveying the archipelago and Stockholm's thousand islands from MS Gabriella as we leave. 05.05.2013
All of the photographs in this project were taken using my trusty old Nikon F2 single-lens reflex camera with a 50mm Nikkor lens. The film stock used is predominately Ilford FP4 Plus 125 ISO film except for the final two shots taken from MS Gabriella as we left Stockholm, these were taken using Ilford 3200 Delta rating to 1600 ASA.
Stockholm 135

Stockholm 135

Exploring Stockholm with my beloved Nikon F2
