Hope video game

A serious video game that aims to improve the well being of children with cancer.

Hope is a vide game for tablets that aims to explain to the younger, in playful and interactive ways, what cancer is, while also promoting the physical activity. This project, which is a joint effort with the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto, also helps children to make their time in the hospital more bearable and productive, by increasing their self-esteem and encouraging them to fight the disease in a pro-active manner. 

Hope was developed at BRIGHT, a startup company that focuses on solving communication problems in the healthcare industry. 

Creative and art direction Ana Simões, Raquel Rei
Design and illustration Joana Mendes, Wandson Lisboa, Ana Simões, Raquel Rei
Animation Joana Mendes
Sound design José Veiga
Programming Nuno Patraquim
Scientific validation Hernâni Zão

Demo version map


Diagnosis sketches

Blood test level introductory animation

Blood test level 

Urine test level introductory animation

Urine test level

Body Scan level

Diagnosis menu (all levels passed)


What is Cancer? sketches

Proliferation level introductory animation

Metastasis level

Chemotherapy level

What is cancer? menu (all levels passed)

Video game overview

HOPE videogame

HOPE videogame
