Thong Vo's profile

Little Nhi & Chi visit GrandMom home for the 1st time

Little girls come visiting GrandMom on Holiday.
Meet again my angels (Yen Chi & Yen Nhi) as the two sisters come over to see GrandMom who just recovered from a sickness. 
Let the fun begins! 
Firstly, some piano ting ting ting :3
Fun stuffs are what make kids truly... KIDS :)
Let us show you how cute we are (indeed!)
Time to go home now. A big hug from little Nhi, while sweet angel Chi refused a holding hand :P
Goodbye GrandMom! Until next time we see each other again <3 
With much LOVE!
Little Nhi & Chi visit GrandMom home for the 1st time

Little Nhi & Chi visit GrandMom home for the 1st time
