Philipp Pixel's profile


A r t w o r k    f o r
from Philadelphia


With A Pouring Arm
"This is a song that juxtaposes a lot of American country and folk elements with the references from the Russian and Western literary canons. Its very unstable, but by being unstable the song came out very life like. The protagonist is talking to himself, to others, to the whole humanity. It’s a 21st century cowboy song. Post globalist. It can be taken place in Nevada, Trondheim, Hong Kong, Saint Petersburg."
(c) Tim Timur

Heavy Pity
"I’m fascinated in finding poetry in ordinary surroundings, in the mundane. Years ago I was working as a construction worker. The construction site was so big, and there were a lot of people. I talk a lot, so I tried to talk with as many people as possible.  Many of the workers were coming from the Western states, or South America, where they worked in the fields, making very little money. What can be more mundane than working in a field, in the heat, doing the same thing over and over again, a physical labor. However, when you learn stories of the people, and why they take on the jobs like that, some of them are the most dramatical stories. And that was the idea for the song, someone who has an enormous guilt, going into a self exile, but still longing for something beautiful, wrestling life to attain redemption."
(c) Tim Timur

We Were Camping And We Fell Asleep
"All of the instruments in this song, except the guitar, are beat-boxed. While writing it I wanted to let the lyrics and the sound of words to shape the textures of the music. Usually it’s done the other way around. In my songs I try to avoid having a strong sense of locale. I want a song of mine to fit everywhere in everyone’s experience. Its an example of surregionalism, one of the best at that."
(c) Tim Timur

Paris, Hand In Hand
         "This is one of the first songs I wrote in English, and it took a long time to realize it as a record. Six years. It has a reference to the straw hat that Van Gogh wore, being an outsider, falsely accused of being crazy, having “straw in his head”, which is also a slang for being “crazy” , or “dimwitted” that is widely used where I’m from. People in love are often accused in similar terms, that of course is when they’re pure and brave enough to throw themselves into each other. That was what Van Gogh did, he was in love. Ahead of everyone."
(c) Tim Timur

Life Away
  "Life Away is a love poem, broadcasted through an old, modified and prepared Nintendo console. Very flat, damp, attempting to hide an emotion, which proves to be impossible. Emotions express themselves regardless."
(c) Tim Timur

From Russia With Doves
"Creating an extremely subjective world in art has always been my ultimate concern.
For only through a subjective view the poetic truth is felt. When I was writing From Russia With Doves I thought about distilling the true Russian character to be displayed in a song, in all of it’s magnitude."

(c) Tim Timur

Busy Wing

Me And Marlon Brando
             "Since I was a child, I was Marlon Brando fan. On one hand he represents an artist that everyone wants to be and on the other he sabotages it in any way he can, but by doing that he remains the artist everyone wants to be.
                 As for France, beginning at the end of 19th century French modernists challenged every artistic norm possible, establishing a new way of human communication, accepted and harbored artists from all over the world, setting the tone for centuries to follow, despite the horrendous pressure and resistance. Love France."
                                                                                                          (c) Tim Timur


