Dabid Pascual's profile

The Golden Bough Project

The Golden Bough is a data visualization project on compared mythology and history of religions centred on a modest reinterpretation of James Frazer’s (1854-1941) extensive work.

The principal goal is to present data in an attractive and understandable manner which can help relativizing concepts such as “religion” and to break stereotypes existing in the collective imaginary.
Infographics are proposed such as a genealogic tree with the chronological links between many cultures and religions, and the dynamic visualization of universal myths found in many of these.
The Religion Tree, based on Simon E. Davis work.

The principal myths studies in the project: The Hero's Journey
The Great Flood
The Original Sacrifice
The Theomachy
The "Axis Mundi"
The "Deus Otiosus"
The HTML web application can be downloaded here without typographic fonts along with all the material generated.
(Catalan language)
The Golden Bough Project

The Golden Bough Project

End of Degree Project on compared mythology and history of religions centred on a modest reinterpretation of James Frazer’s extensive work.
