Mexico goes for medals in Physicoconstrutivism and fintness in Lima 2019
The vice president of the International Federation of Fisicoconstructivismo y Fitness, Marco Antonio Cabezas, afirmó que el primer pasó ya se dio con la inclusión de este deporte en los Juegos Panamericanos de Lima, Perú, en el 2019. Además, ya se definió el representativo nacional, después del proceso selectivo en el ámbito internacional e interno.sustanon

For the continental competition, the International Federation established the qualification of two places, one in each branch, per country. In the case of Mexico, for men in the category of classic bodybuilding and for women, choreographic fitness.
They are, the Monterrey native Xyomara Valdivia, who classified first in the Pan American Championship held in Guatemala 15 days ago; while among the men, the capital Carlos Suárez Benhumea, achieved his pass in ninth place.

"It is a sport of appreciation and there will be a panel of nine judges who will give their score and points will be added in a similar way to diving, high and low grades are removed and in the end the best placed win in two rounds," he explained. he is also Secretary General of the Central American and Caribbean Confederation of Physical Constructivism and Fitness.

For Marco Antonio Cabezas, Mexico is a power on the continent, but it cannot be ignored that the Central American countries have been working very hard, especially Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica with a very good level.

"The first time that our sport participates in a Pan American Games, that Mexico is part of these Games for us is something new and there is the possibility of a medal is something that would fill us with pride," said the leader who supports his father without having one position, the head of the Mexican Federation of Physical Construction and Fitness, Francisco Cabezas. Xyomara Jiménez, the number one exponent of America, among her background, was selected national in 2004 and representative of Mexico in the World Championship held in Barcelona, Spain, where she won a special award for the best routine over the Russian ones.

“She retires, marries and is a mother, she has two children, but she decides to return, which is a little difficult in our sport, because what is qualified is the physical one; Logically, she has been an athlete since childhood, had an excellent recovery and is now our representative with only one year of work in the gym. ”

Suárez Benhumea, for his part, is originally from the State of Mexico. On Monday of last week, he received a master's degree from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. It is distinguished for being a good student and lover of the fiscoconstructivismo.




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