Leandro Mayo will enjoy his break to gain momentum

11/20/2018 | 07:00 |
The local bodybuilder will compete next Sunday in San Justo and then leave the stages for a year. "I need to improve muscle quality; I have several goals in mind, "he warned.
The year begins slowly to cross off its last days and for many the moment of balance begins, to look back, to analyze the road traveled and, above all, to project itself into the future with new objectives, motivations, and dreams.

   And in this process is the Bahian bodybuilder Leandro Mayo, who will end a 2018 full of great moments in the Buenos Aires Tournament (on Sunday in San Justo), and then move away from the stages and thus regain strength and energy.

   “It was a year that cost me a lot, but it was very positive. Already having health, which allows me to do what I like so much, I am more than satisfied. And to that, on top of that, it is added that I achieved with very good results, ”said Leandro, who was champion of the Mercosur Cup (in Buenos Aires) in October.

   "I plan to rest a year from competitions," he added, "I have several goals in mind."
For this reason, with the next goal very close, and the next one in a distant 2020, it is time for a “macro pause” and to review something of what has been lived in these more than 20 years linked to iron.

-What are you aiming to improve in these months?
   -I need to improve muscle quality and some other points that will make me not rest but from tournaments. This never ends, there is no need to loosen it. The category that I want to try points to the physicists of the 70s, which is said to have been the golden age of bodybuilding.

   -Where do you find the motivation?
   -Training is my ground wire, first, it motivates me to see and realize how one can transform the body. And then it is a passion; It is the sport that I chose and I do it because I like it. Plus, it's where I release tension. Strong things have happened to me and I think the gym has helped me get ahead.

   -I imagine that so much training and diets generate a certain stress ...
   -Yes, it's a barbaric stress. I always say it is a job. The key to being disciplined I think is to do things when one perhaps does not feel like it, when he is about to throw everything away. This is a 24-hour sport, you live pending.

   -Who helps you achieve that?
   -I have my family that supports me a lot; my mother (Gladys), who is the one who brings me the diet; my sister (Brisa), the one who assists me and accompanies me to all tournaments; my girlfriend Carolina, very important because she plays a fundamental role; and my coach, Lucas Cores. The support of all of them and, above all, of a woman who has a claw superior to men is essential. I learned that from my mom, who always fought her alone and with that I grew up; she is a warrior.methenolone

-When do you think you clicked to live for this?
   -At the competitive level, the click was made by the death of my grandfather, who is practically my paternal image. Years before he passed away, he said to me: "Why don't you compete and take advantage of so much muscle?" It was a very hard blow for me when he died. I said "why not? I am going to try!".
   That “test” saw Leandro as the bahiense champion in his first tournament and from there he didn't stop anymore. So much so that you are already focused on a new dream.

What is bodybuilding for Leandro Mayo?

 -The present. “With all these new categories and with social media, fitness and bodybuilding have resurfaced this very cute lifestyle. At a competitive level, it is very demanding, but I always say that the bodybuilder is anyone who makes a cult of the body, who takes care of himself with diets and training, in any activity, ”said Leo.

   -Advice. “The first thing I would say to someone who wants to start training is patience, there is nothing magical. The basis is a good diet and to have perseverance and patience. The key is to start with things that entertain and like you, "said Mayo.

   -Personal datasheet. Leandro Mayo is 37 years old, lives in Bahía Blanca, and started gym life from a very young age since his mother had a gym and was an instructor; the same path that he continues today. To learn more about its history, its achievements, routines, etc. you can visit their website: www.leandromayo.com




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