Project Pomace is a collaborative experiment on circular design between the Netherlands and Turkey. It is inspired by the intrinsic circular qualities of the ancient olive cultivation practices in Karaburun, Izmir. It suggests that understanding the inherent qualities of this very own practice will help the designers to develop an understanding of the circular design and provide them with profound inspirations. To this end, the first phase of the project aims to document and present a circular story of the olive in this local context. In the second phase, it will aim at encouraging the local designers to develop circular design ideas and realize them in collaboration with the ones in the Netherlands.

I am responsible for the visual identity of Project Pomace. I designed the logo, flyers, posters, FB and Instagram templates, and several images for the project’s web appearence including GIFs.
I also built the website of the project  and I am responsible for social media management.
Social media templates and infographics 
Exhibition design: We (Project Pomace team) have put up our exhibition at Good Design Izmir_4 in 2019. I design an exhibition area to show the preliminary results of our work including a video documentary that investigates the technical and cultural backgrounds of olive cultivation in Karaburun, a network map installation of the circular journey of olive and its by-products in the region, and the first samples of bio-based plastics made of olive pomace.
Project Pomace

Project Pomace
