Healthy lifestyle habits and fitness lifestyle. Rodrigo Bermejo and Susana Alonso Fitness
Nowadays due to the daily stress and the rhythm of life so busy and with so many obligations and chores ... It is quite common to find many people with stress, and nervous tension. In addition, they do not take care of food and to top it off, they do not do sports of any kind. This only exacerbates the situation even more ... because sports have been shown to reduce stress and nervous tension.
It is for this reason that I am going to expose in this short article the multiple benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and a fitness lifestyle.super-leeforce

 Benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle
Fitness lifestyle and healthy lifestyle habits. Rodrigo Bermejo trainer
As a personal trainer and fitness consultant in Madrid, I know perfectly how important it is to exercise and take care of food. Well, nutrition and sport are the basis of good physical and mental health ...
Leading a healthy and healthy lifestyle ... begins by doing sports regularly, taking care of your daily diet, sleeping at least eight hours a day, drinking at least a liter and a half of water a day, not smoking or drinking, etc.
But we are going to expose these healthy habits to make them clearer:
●     Do aerobic exercise such as walking or cycling , at least 3 days a week and in sessions of at least 30 minutes. This will help you keep your heart muscle strong and burn body fat .
●     Take care of daily nutrition and eat at least 5 times a day in smaller amounts. Instead of eating 3 times a day in larger quantities!
●     Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Although it will be better 2 liters a day of water. Well, hydration is essential for the body.
●     Perform if you can also anaerobic exercises - exercises of weights and muscular resistance , at least 2 days a week. Well, lifting weights offers multiple benefits to the body and improves strength and muscle tone.
●     Don't drink sugary drinks! Or at least reduce your consumption. Well, too much simple sugar is bad for our health .
●     Limit alcohol consumption as much as possible. Above all, the high-grade one. Well, they only provide empty calories and damage the body.
●     Don't smoke . Well, it is well known that it is harmful to your health.
●     Do not eat or limit junk and empty calorie food to the maximum, as it will only make us fat and damage our health by having too much saturated fat and simple sugar.
●     Don't add too much salt to your food. Well, excess sodium is bad for our health.
●     Add whole grains to your nutrition . In addition to consuming at least 2 pieces of fruit a day and two servings of vegetables per day .
●     Eat lean meats cooked on the grill or cooked. Eat white fish also cooked on the grill or cooked. Once a week you should at least consume blue fish.
●     The best skimmed dairy products, as they are better since they do not contain excess saturated fats. Nuts are very good for health ... but consumed in moderation because they have many calories from the healthy fats they contain.
●     Finally, avoid as much as possible the sausages and cakes or pastries and highly processed food .
All these tips will help you improve your physical state, your mood and of course your health.
If in addition to these tips you hire a personal trainer or personal trainer to help you get in shape , better than better!
Don't forget that I am a personal trainer in Madrid! And I can help you get in shape ... But if you prefer a personal trainer in Madrid we can also help you.
Are we trying to improve these healthy habits?
Warm regards from Rodrigo Bermejo and Susana Alonso Fitness. Personal trainers in Madrid and online fitness coach.



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