Defining Full Spectrum, CBD Recovery.

Humans are pushing themselves harder now, than ever before. Be it at work, in the gym, or across all other areas of our lives, we constantly strive to be more; to be better. 

RCVR was created to address a key component of this personal growth: that crucial downtime that helps us reset, regroup, and recover.
The RCVR CBD offering focuses on 3 core product categories: Mind, Body, & Sleep. The brand logo nods to the 3 categories through the circular extensions of the letterforms, while the brand palette differentiates these categories through vibrant color application. 

Mood-establishing supporting visuals provide additional usage context for consumers as they interact with the brand, helping them distinguish which RCVR product will best help them optimize their personal recovery.
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Follow me on Instagram @adriangillingdesign

Additional Credits:
Zero Studios: Agency
CJ Foeckler: Photography & Retouching