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President's Report 2019 – video, effect breakdown

The President's Report is an annual report of the president of Manila Adventist College to the education board. This contains the summary of what happened during the school year.
Enrollment trend graph breakdown at 01.46
The entire graph animation is made and animated natively in After Effects.

1. I made a grid first and animated it accordingly. Here, I simply animated a line (Trim Paths), duplicated it, and then offset them so that they don't animate all at once.
2. Then I precomposed this grid and then put the line graph on top. This white line has actually the same animation as the lines in the grids.
Torch alpha at 03.37 breakdown
1. I just animated the scale of the torch (solid black version) in After Effects.
2. Then imported it in Premiere and applied Track Matte to the main video, resulting to a reversal of the effect in After Effects. See screenshot below.
Some stills:
President's Report 2019 – video, effect breakdown

President's Report 2019 – video, effect breakdown

Summary of what happened during the school year.
